
If you have any questions or thoughts, you are always welcome to contact us, via our contact form below, or send an email to

The Broccoli Company is a registered trademark under org-nr: 556482-6187

The Broccoli Company
Broadview Life Sciences AB
Klubbans väg 19
451 78 Fiskebäckskil

Contact form
Here you can send us questions about our products or anything else related to our business.

Du kan också ringa oss på vardagar klockan 09:00 - 15:00, telefon: 031-674020

Always nice to know who is asking
It can help us to help you more efficiently, no requirement that you have one.
In order to send you a reply to your question.
If we need to contact you, no requirement.
If the question concerns an order or similar, always state an order number or a customer number as applicable
By submitting the form, you agree to our personal data policy.

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